Services of Just

"I stand with love and honour. I am my rock."

Amanda Howes.

I stand with love and honour. I am my rock. Amanda Howes Connecting the Divide.

Listen to her song

Guided with Archangel Michael

I'll never forget the day in February 2021, when I had reached a point in time of true beginnings, where I felt so alone yet I craved another path of justice. Within me, I stoke harmony. It took strength to get me here, and I'll never forget the words spoken at my special place, one where I stoke refuge when under fire. 'Pick it up,' I heard, as if from nowhere. Unsettled and unsure of what to do, I stepped on a branch and it drew me to glance around, unsettled about who may see me walking around with a stick in a public area. Even though I was unsure, I breathed and began to take the next step forward.

Where trust had been forgotten, where love inside me had left, I began a new hope. Many moons earlier, after my activation, an awakening, I made an oath to serve. I did not understand the consequences of my choice, and yet the road was travelled.

For this is when I realised another faction of being me. The scape is wide and just. For this is when I realised I am my own saviour of a kind, of just memory. When we remember who we are called to become and accept longing as a desire, we trust the creative force as sheer will to live in harmony with all that I am.

Become a burden or point north to true course. Love led me on another way, where I found solace within, not with others I did not trust with my welfare. My heart led me to another choice where I could see the burden I undertook as my welfare was under their rock.

When we come within, we find we are not the outcasts we imagined. That we have qualities of justice in us like a lighthouse that beacon lights home, to their inward bound. We are but one ship on a golden river of a tree, anchoring hope inside each other. To build self-worth, we must go inside. To build a better future, we must take the step. To come undone, we must regather to climb the mountain of just. It is the pattern of how we are. Let love guide you there.

All things great and tall proceed when things are necessary. When we look for answers, we seek another path, a home point within. It's where we find peace, love, and all things friendship. Pick up your rock!


See the branch as the miracle of rebirth that you are.


Remain strong in times of turbulence and embrace ever after. Your gift from God. Heaven is not an outcast, but a place found within. Seed your growth, reach for the stars, and let orbit ride your existence. Time for plenty; don't forget to cherish yourself. Here we find answers to your state of being.

I love you, Archangel Michael and Amanda.
A Sweet Song, Archangel Michael. Amanda Howes Collective Channel.

My soul purpose


My purpose is to help others recognise their potential, find grace and come back to light.

My message is of another kind. It is to help others find resolve and to go within.


To connect, we must create a path through to the other side. Let me help you find your way back to source or ignite the flame within to walk the path. Whatever ails or worries you, there is always a way forward, a path through the divide. 'Blackest night, daylight cowers to no one!'

My business offering is one of transformation, one of hope, sovereignty, and support with fear and imbalance within. To do this, we begin by tidying and healing old wounds, stepping into the light, realigning, and finding our truth. We tidy our negative thought patterns and negative attributes, i.e., worry, hate, etc., and find solace in our patterns, as they grow us.

I would like to share with you my experience with this. As written in my own words at the time I faced my own shadow's, I shared the following beliefs, like many others that struggle with self-worth:

"So much pondering in my mind about the truth of situations that caused it, how we heal old wounds by seeing the truth of it. As I ponder, I hear, 'Beliefs, I will get to it.’ Then, at that precise moment, my soul fragments began to cut through me again. I sense a pattern of some sort. One I do not quite comprehend. Injustice? Terror within? A guide through the night? I hear the response, 'The pattern is belief.' Is it the beliefs I have learnt that terrify me from within? Well, yes, and I know these learned patterns, these falsehoods as such. I must heal within. It's as if they show me this as they shine the light. But I must be the one to break these thought cycles, these falsehoods, and walk home to source."

‘My weaknesses are my strengths, not my burden.' Here we find the answer to our burden, the call to our light, our purpose, our way of being. Let me help you anchor hope, faith and justice. This is where our strength lies. Hear the lion roar! 

From my heart and guided with Archangel Jeremiel.

Be the river that you are