Services of Just

Lions Gate Portal - Rebirth with the Angels

angel message of light Aug 05, 2023

Angel Speaks Lions Gate Message ~ Archangels Nathaniel, Michael, Hope, Jeremiel, Chamuel and Zadkiel.

We are changing. The collective shift is happening with our feet (new beginnings) from our heart's guidance. This is what is meant by our inner guide.

As a collective we are finding new timelines and seeking new horizons. This happens with conscious thought at an individual level, and this helps us shift into greater timelines. We are individuals, that are part of a whole. Our reality co-creates the life of others as well as our own, and our actions affect others. That is why all life should be honoured.

As part of this shift, we ask you to consider;
What are you being told? What haven't you felt true to your heart? Where does it not feel comfortable?

The picture is always clear when you feel into it from your individual consciousness. Listen to your heart, let it govern your rule. It never lies. It beats true. It's collective spirit. Miracles occur here.

We, the collective, have been under a spell and illusion of fear broadcast. Heaven doesn't meet here, it's in conscious flow. Listen to where your heart beats true and respect others as you would like to be treated.

It's time to see the river as flow, not restricted in outer being. Time to regard yourself as true and honour the journey.

There are repeat patterns in the field, in the quantum. It's without power what we seek. Friendship is needed to balance the equation. To get your foot in the door, honour your journey.

Being your own source enables you to see rivers of choice. When you don't believe in yourself in your hearts ray of abundance, you distance yourself from your highest timeline. Fear does not enable us to act in honour. With this we create injustices and can't swim freely and abundantly with honour.

Without fear we could not see the light. Yet, as the moments pass, we can see the opportunity to turn the other check or act in our best interests. We can release our traumas and swim in the current of faith. Be your best light. Rainbows of choices, be your maker. Don't allow fear to stick to you like glue. Break the pattern. Don't let fear into your heart or as an escape from reality. Pass the test! Allow the gate to be shown. Have faith in your many meals and let abundance flow in and out of your life at turn.

Become the maker of your life. Pass the bread of life by being giving and open to what life has on offer and with each other. Many roads open to Rome. Just choose one for you. Be at peace with it. Let God work the outcome in your favour and how it is laid out, it has value in time.

When we choose to battle the darkness, we don't honour our esteem that way. By seeing ourselves as pure and true (where we don't hold too tight) we can see all is fair in life. This is new earth where we understand each other.  So, listen to your fears, they are in another. Don't be blinded by them, look for a solution where you act out of peace not war. We do this as we co-create together to understand darks placement as rebirth. This is a choice by our God/ Creator/ Our Maker. The abundance is in the growth.

Love and honour yourself dear one. It is just.

So, listen to yourself, your heart rings true. It is pure here. We are not cosmic choices but friends of our enemies. Here is the win. Love is tender and acute. Be your friend, your closest ally, the one you trust.

You can choose to battle the darkness or surrender to justice. Listen, your heart holds the glue. Honour each other. Honour life. Take rest with tidy sport and begin each day again anew. Challenge yourself here.

The field is open to infinite possibilities. Start and be the change. Remember to honour the journey. It's about growth.  We are expanding our consciousness. Looking for better choices. That are the ups and downs.

Find new space in areas you did not see as right before. Take chances, there is always second chance.

Love in collective spirit from the Archangels.


This is a guide through the night for our recent and upcoming challenges in our ascension work and is brought to you by an Angel Messenger, this is part of my soul's work. Angel Messengers, help you break through your fear of injustice and ropes that tie you. Love and honor the field of time, and your journey is important.

For more updates on New Earth and cycles, follow me on social media and subscribe to my channeled content. Find links in the sidebar.

This is an ascension tool as assistance to the karmic imprints on Earth. Find new gateways here on 8/8 Lions Gate.

I've presented the included live channel Rebirth with the Angels for anyone who wishes to join me in this activation. 


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