Services of Just

Teonia Te Powell - Angel Message to Steer Course.

angel message of light Sep 15, 2022
Amanda Howes Connecting the Divide
Teonia Te Powell - Angel Message to Steer Course.
Angel Speaks ~ Archangels Jeremiel, Hope and Faith.

Here we steer course. Rivers run deep with abundance. Your love is abundant, and the quest of the ages runs deep within us. Your light is like no other. Sin has no purpose. The light of day seeks refuge in mercy.

Have your hopes, your dreams but no not allow it to shadow as thought in form. Hear the call, embrace your soul, and speak wise action.

The cause is just, just as you were born to flower. Listen to your song. Let your flame ring true. Judge not what is yours to be given and allow. Anchor your cause as reborn dew. 

Allow light into your heart and embrace the gift of life ever after. Find peace here and take your token. It is the design. Seize your opportunity to be whatever you want to be, live free, and embrace who you are.


Remember, your cause is great. Powerless or not, you are capable of many just things. Allow and it will enter as grace runs a stream of interconnectivity (I'm shown it's connected like an ecosystem, i.e., a stream). Hear your pattern and embrace fondness for all and might. It is the tender heart I speak of.

Let your heart soar; there is always a place at the door.

A fondness for all is embracing your true essence. The softness you seek is within you. Find solace here. With time and patience, it is available as source.

A winter garden is never bare; it is inner abundance. It is patience; it values time.



 If you feel called check out this article on true spirit, true form. Te Whiti was a wise old owl of magnitude of abundant reserve. Find faith and play your cello, your soul's song. 


When I asked the angels the meaning of Teonia Te Powell. They replied.

"It's crystal clear. Strength is in numbers. It's the river that turns, being the change of events that changes us. Go within for power and will. Love is found within."

Love Amanda and Archangels Jeremiel, Hope and Faith.




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