Services of Just

Angel Essences 

Archangel Jeremiel

For wellness and clarity

'From bottom we source top. In alignment we find source, our grace requires conscious awareness. For the truth seeker of rainbows, the pattern is belief, be gentle.'

'Allow and surrender to the sweet melody of just. It's an anchor we seek, when it's the bone within that rides the wave of injustice. Terrible is never truely terrible. Turn your thoughts to stone and embrace your divinity. The plan is just. It echo's the ages. Come back to the fold. It's the hero of the ages. Sing your note strong.'

Love, Archangel Jeremiel.

Made with all natural ingredients of: Ginger, Jasper Crystals, Cardamom, Cumin.

275 gram feathering palm wax candle.



Everything you need to know about Angel Essences